International Visitor Leadership Program
The Latest News from CHRC
Citicable hosts CHRC's very own T.V. show called Infocus where our hosts focus on Human Relations issues in the city of Cincinnati. This week Infocus invited the non-profit organization Keeping All Survivors Safe Informed & Emancipated (K.A.S.S.I.E) project on the show to talk about domestic violence and how to gethelp or relief from trauma.
Check out our new ad running on Citicable for the Great Youth Debate. We are still currently looking for high school students in the Hamilton County area who are looking to learn debate skills. If you or anyone you know is interested please call Jaime Bryant at 513-352-3249.
The Cincinnati Human Relations Commission's (CHRC) Developmental Disabilities Mentors (DDS) provide one-on-one services to people in the Cincinnati community who are disabled or ex-offenders. Mentors help clients make smart choices that affect their daily lives, as well as avoid mistakes in the future. If you , or someone you know would like some guidance, or just some words of encouragement please contact the CHRC office at 513-352-3237 for more information.
September 15- October 15 marks the celebrando for Hispanic Americans. Join HAH for the celebration and attend some of the fun events that are being offered. For more information check out
Oyler Elementary is launching a new Human Rights Program called "Welcoming Schools" for K-5th graders. This Human Rights Program was designed to help reduce bullying and harassment for youth who are LGBT or come from families that are. Oyler school is now setting up a training for their staff to be educated on diversity, discrimination and bully prevention before they launch their new program. CHRC's Executive Director, Dr. Ericka King-Betts will be speaking at this training on September 10th about racism and classism. CHRC fully supports the LGBT community and hopes that through Oyler School the bullying and neglect will decrease through their new program.
September 8th- African Summit at Xavier University Cintas Center (10 a.m.-5 p.m.)
This year celebrates the 64th Anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Throughout History the Declaration of Human Rights has served as the back bone to creating work and living environments for ALL people that is fair and just. To learn more about Human Rights and their newer campaign that began in 2008 check out