Tuesday, June 30, 2015

COA's "Stop The Violence - Increase the Peace - Street March" held Saturday, June 27th

CHRC’s Community Outreach Advocates (COA) in collaboration with the OTR Faith Alliance sponsored a "Stop The Violence - Increase The Peace Street March", Saturday, June 27th. 

To reduce gun violence and associated homicides in the City of Cincinnati, we need to establish and deliver a clear message to violent street groups: "The Violence Must Stop!"

Following the march, refreshments were provided at Findlay Park.

Monday, June 29, 2015

Youth 2 Work Update

Youth 2 Work Program (June 8 – July 31, 2015)
Megan Whalen, Youth Services Coordinator

The summer youth employees have been working hard in the Concord Street Community Garden for the past three weeks. The youth workers have not only been working on basic gardening tasks, such as, weeding, planting seeds/flowers, and watering the beds; they have also been participating in educational lessons about gardening.

During the past three weeks, they have been diligently watching the fruit and vegetable garden beds go from seeds to full grown crops. Along with the visual and hands on process in the garden, the youth workers have been connecting with different businesses and people in the city. These connections provide the youth employees with powerful and influential resources along with an opportunity to learn about job readiness and life-skills.

Friday, June 26, 2015

Honoring Officer Sonny Kim

Today, the Cincinnati Human Relations Commission staff wearing blue to remember and honor the sacrifice of Cincinnati Police Officer Sonny Kim.

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

InFocus Captures COA at Work in Reducing Gun Violence

CHRC Community Outreach Advocates (COA) stops by InFocus TV to talk about their work on-the ground in communities adversely impacted by high-levels of violence and aid in reducing gun related violence among offenders affiliated with street/gang groups.

Watch the Full Interview  (https://vimeo.com/129507169)

Photos - CHRC AT WORK at a COA community event held at a local Avondale business attended by residents and government officials to find solutions in reducing gun violence. 




MEDIA CONTACT: CHRC Executive Director Ericka King-Betts, PhD at chrc@cincinnati-oh.gov or by phone at 513.352.3237
Cincinnati Human Relations Commission (CHRC)
6/26/15 Annual Luncheon, Silent Auction & Awards

Cincinnati, OH - The Cincinnati Human Relations Commission (CHRC) is rescheduling its Annual Luncheon, Silent Auction and Awards Ceremony that was originally to be held on June 26th, 2015.

"We at the Cincinnati Human Relations Commission are deeply saddened by last Friday's events that left an officer and suspect dead. Our community outreach advocates spent the day and night in Madisonville working with neighbors to make sure their needs were met and the atmosphere was calm before leaving," said Executive Director Dr. Ericka King-Betts.

"Now that the funeral for Office Sonny Kim will be held on Friday, June 26th, at the Cintas Center, and the same time as the Officer is being laid to rest is our Awards Luncheon, we have decided to reschedule our Annual Luncheon, Silent Auction and Awards Ceremony to July 31st.  We want to take this time to mourn with the rest of our City the death of a devoted police officer," said King-Betts. 

The Honorees, Alphonse A. Gerhardstein, Mary Stagaman, Vishnu Paranandi, the Cincinnati Bengals and the Ohio Innocence Project agree with this decision as they, too, will be taking the time to mourn and remember Officer Kim.

In the upcoming days we ask that everyone remain united in spirit and prayer for the victims and their families. 
About the Cincinnati Human Relations Commission

CHRC was established in November of 1943 as The Mayor's Friendly Relations Committee. The goal was to appoint a committee that represented various racial, industrial and religious groups to make sure all groups felt a part of their communities and supported one another in the city of Cincinnati. As time passed the name was changed to CHRC and the mission grew to target a much larger issue, discrimination. Thus, the agency's mission is "to help our community to overcome prejudice and discrimination, build mutual respect and understanding, and to become more harmonious and cohesive."

The Cincinnati Human Relations Commission is a non-profit organization. For additional information on how you can support CHRC and its programs, please contact Executive Director, Ericka King-Betts, PhD at 513-352-3237. 

For more information on CHRC or the Luncheon, please visit our website at www.chrc.us, call the office at 513-352-3237 or contact Nina Jackson, Administrative Assistant, at nina.jackson@cincinnati-oh.gov.

Thursday, June 18, 2015

Charleston, SC Church Shooting

We at the Cincinnati Human Relations Commission are deeply saddened by the events in Charleston, SC. This hate crime and other hate crimes that have occurred against humanity are troubling to the very core of our conscious. In the wake of this event, we ask that people keep the victims, their families, the shooter & his family in your thoughts. And please, let us all continue to work together to help our community to overcome prejudice and discrimination, build mutual respect and understanding, and to become more harmonious and cohesive. We all have to be in this together.


Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Register now for CHRC's Annual Luncheon, Silent Auction & Awards Ceremony! It's less than 2 weeks away!!!!! Registration is closing soon!

The Cincinnati Human Relations Commission (CHRC) Annual Luncheon, Silent Auction and Awards Ceremony will be held on June 26th, 2015 at the Hilton Cincinnati Netherland Plaza, 35 W. Fifth Street at 12:00 pm. There will be a light reception and silent auction from 11:00am-12:00PM followed by Lunch. This Year’s keynote speaker will be Dr. Rev. Otis Moss, Jr., Theologian and Activist. This year’s theme is “Celebrating Connecting Cultures & Communities”. Cincinnati Mayor John Cranley will be presenting this year's awards.

We are excited to announce our Silent Auction items (MORE TO BE ADDED):
(2) Round trip air tickets from Cincinnati to Chicago - Ultimate Air Shuttle
(2) Dinner Cruise tickets - B&B Riverboats
(1) hour relaxation massage - VIP Backrubs
(4) Reds tickets, an autographed ball from Jay Bruce & a behind the scenes tour - Cincinnati Reds
(1) Cincinnati Parks Gift Basket
(1) Wine Basket - Gerald Checco
(1) Framed Print of "Cincinnati Views" by Jan Brown Checco
(1) Sculpture - by Cincinnati Sculptor Ann Zeff
(1) Handcrafted Bowl from Kenya - Randi Marsh (SONTENI)
(1) Autographed Cincinnati Bengals & Reds poster
(1) Autographed football by Urban Meyer, head football coach at the Ohio State University
(1) Gift certificate from Six Acres Bed & Breakfast for a 1 night stay

Do you want to win one of these amazing items? Then, do not wait another day... and we are close to being 90% SOLD OUT.

Please call us at 513-352-3237 with questions. See you at the Luncheon!

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

June is Immigrant Heritage Month

Throughout the month, there will be a celebration on both diversity and shared American heritage telling stories of individuals that, together, comprise a uniquely American narrative.


Tuesday, June 09, 2015

Dr. Ericka King-Betts promoting CHRC's 2015 Annual Luncheon, Silent Auction & Awards Ceremony on the Lincoln Ware Show!

Dr. Ericka King-Betts, CHRC’s Executive Director, on the Lincoln Ware Show (earlier today) promoting CHRC's 2015 Annual Luncheon, Silent Auction & Awards Ceremony. The luncheon will be held on Friday, June 26th, at the Hilton Cincinnati Netherland Plaza, 35 W. Fifth Street at 12:00pm. There will be a light reception and silent auction from 11:00am-12:00pm followed by Lunch.

A limited number of tickets are still available. Individual tickets are $75. Luncheon information and registration can be found on our website, www.chrc.us or call the office at 513-352-3237.

Monday, June 08, 2015


COA's "Push 4 Peace" Rally was held Saturday, June 6th, 10am-11am - at the corners of Rockdale & Reading Road, Fred Shuttlesworth & Reading Road and in front of the Hirsch Recreation Center.

A Talent Show followed the Rally (at 12NOON) at the Hirsch Recreation Center, 3630 Reading Road in Avondale.


CHRC, founding member of the Fatherhood Collaborative of Hamilton County (FCHC) salutes the 150th anniversary of the Juneteenth festival. Please stop by the FCHC booth to learn more about resources and opportunities available to local fathers as we celebrate this historic anniversary.

Friday, June 05, 2015

Thursday, May 28th, CHRC's Executive Director, Dr. Ericka King-Betts, Senior Program Manager, Althea Barnett, Infocus producer, Carmen Smith, Community Outreach Advocates, Steven Sherman & Aaron Pullins, and Board member Christina Chuecos and her husband attended the Cincinnatus Association's Donald & Marion Spencer "Spirit of America" award ceremony.

These awards are a program of the Community Inclusion Panel, created as an opportunity to honor the "First Couple of Civil Rights" in Cincinnati. The awards are given to 1 non-profit organization, 1 for-profit organization, and to an individual, for "exhibiting conspicuous and enduring contributions to creating greater inclusion and promoting diversity in our community." Congratulations to this year's honorees Willie Carden (Cincinnati Parks director), Goodwill & Kroger who are all very deserving of this honor. Dr. Ericka King-Betts served on the planning committee for this event.

"Push 4 Peace Rally"

Please join the COA's "Push 4 Peace" Rally, TOMORROW, Saturday, June 6th, 10am-11am, at the corners of Rockdale & Reading Road, Fred Shuttlesworth & Reading and in front of the Hirsch Recreation Center.

At 12NOON, there will be a Talent Show (which follows the Rally) at the Hirsch Recreation Center, 3630 Reading Road in Avondale.

Events are FREE and Open to the Public.

Should you have questions, please call the Outreach office 513.721.0595.

Monday, June 01, 2015

Vishnu Paranandi to receive Youth Achievement Award at CHRC's Annual Luncheon, Silent Auction & Awards Ceremony on Friday, June 26th

Meet CHRC Youth Achievement Award honoree Vishnu Paranandi from Wyoming HS: @OHEducation Congrats! ‪#‎CHRChonors2015‬