Friday, June 28, 2013

Let's play ball!!!!

A Memorial Baseball Game to honor
the Life of Officer Kevin Crayon.

Wednesday, June 26, 2013


CHRC voices its disappointment with the court's decision.

Click on attached:

LANDMARK CASE RULED ON BY SUPREME COURT - Fisher V. University of Texas at Austin

Since 1943, the Cincinnati Human Relations Commission (CHRC) has remained steadfast in its efforts to bring together communities to overcome prejudice and discrimination.  This ruling is a win for CHRC & others who are dedicated to connecting cultures and communities and ensuring that we are all living in communities where prejudice and discrimination can no longer hide.

Affirmative Action Ruling: Opinion In Fisher v. University Of Texas At Austin [FULL TEXT] via @HuffPostPol

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Article: "Can you discriminate without meaning to?"

CHRC will be watching closely as the Supreme Court takes on this important topic.
What are your thoughts?

Friday, June 14, 2013


Monday, June 10, 2013

WEBSITE CORRECTION - The Episcopal Church Forum: Save The Date!

Thursday, June 06, 2013

SAVE THE DATE - "State of Racism" Forum

The Cincinnati Human Relations Commission (CHRC) Endorses
                                      The Episcopal Church “The State of Racism” Forum
Cincinnati, Ohio – For the past year, the Cincinnati Human Relations Commission (CHRC), churches and other local non-profits participated in sending out surveys and publicizing the Episcopal Church’s efforts to increase awareness and create dialogue regarding “The State of Racism”.

On November 15th, 2013, the Episcopal Church will host an online forum centering on a critical topic for our times:  50 Years Later:  The State of Racism in America.  Originating from St. Andrew’s Episcopal Cathedral in Jackson, MS (Diocese of Mississippi), this 90-minute ecumenical forum will be a live webcast beginning at 1:00 pm, CST.
The forum will be moderated by well-known journalist and PBS commentator Ray Suarez. Presiding Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori is the keynote speaker. Two panel discussions will focus on main themes: Racism in America today - Why does it persist? And Racism in America's future - Where is there hope for change?

This year marks significant landmark anniversaries in the nation’s struggle to end discrimination, provide equal rights and combat racism. Examples are the 150th anniversary of the Emancipation Proclamation and in 1964 the Civil Rights Act was signed into law.
Panelists will be recognized leaders from faith groups, NGOs, the media, academia and government. The forum will begin with a thought-provoking video, and viewers will be able to submit questions to the participants during the live webcast. The event also supports 2 Anglican Marks of Mission in dealing with issues of racism which are to respond to human need by loving service, and to seek to transform unjust structures of society.

The Cincinnati Human Relations Commission is honored to have been part of this effort to increase awareness and create dialogue regarding the state of racism in our nation. Since 1943, the CHRC has remained steadfast in its efforts to bring together community stakeholders to help our community to overcome prejudice and discrimination; and build mutual respect and understanding. During the most critical of times, the CHRC has always been there turning the community’s needs into action, connecting cultures and communities and ensuring that we are all living in communities where prejudice and discrimination can no longer hide.

 For more information regarding the forum please go to the website at and for more information about the CHRC, please visit our website at