Councilmember Yvette Simpson and the Cincinnati Human Relations Commission (CHRC) utilized the month of February, also known as Black History Month, to educate the public and celebrate local Black leaders. Each week at Cincinnati City Hall, 801 Plum Street, 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM, the community were invited to attend the FREE Lunch and Learn Series. Everyone was invited to bring their lunch and converse with Black living legends.
Participants learned about the barriers these trailblazers have broken and discussed the work that remains to be done.
Featured guest appearances:
Wednesday, February 4 – Mrs. Marjorie Parham
Wednesday, February 11 – Mr. Herbert Brown
*Thursday, February 19 – Ms. Minette Cooper
Wednesday, February 25 –Mrs. P. Jeane Goings
*Series was FREE and OPEN to the public.
Immediately following the discussion, honorees were presented with a Resolution from the City in City Council Chambers.
About the Cincinnati Human Relations Commission
CHRC was established in November of 1943 as The Mayor's Friendly Relations Committee. The goal was to appoint a committee that represented various racial, industrial and religious groups to make sure all groups felt a part of their communities and supported one another in the city of Cincinnati. As time passed the name was changed to CHRC and the mission grew to target a much larger issue, discrimination. Thus, the agency's mission is "to help our community to overcome prejudice and discrimination, build mutual respect and understanding, and to become more harmonious and cohesive."
The Cincinnati Human Relations Commission is a non-profit organization. For additional information on how you can support CHRC and its programs, please contact Executive Director, Ericka King-Betts, PhD at 513-352-3237.