Thursday, May 26, 2016

COA Pastor Mingo interview by Channel 5 News

CHRC's Community Outreach Advocate (COA), Pastor Peterson Mingo, comments on the City's most recent homicide.

"Passing for Peace" Flag Football Tournament

The Cincinnati Enquirer’s “Cincy Business People” recently posted news about CHRC's Community Outreach Advocates (COAs) "Passing for Peace" Flag Football Tournament. Once you click on the link, scroll down the page to “Upcoming Events”.

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Celebrating with Dr. Noble Maseru as he retires from the City of Cincinnati. Thank you Dr. Maseru!

COAs participate in community march against violence

Mothers Against Gun Violence rallied in Avondale Tuesday evening, May 24th. Mothers were joined by CHRC's Community Outreach Advocates & several community activists who marched and spread an anti-violence message.

The Cincinnati Human Relations Commission is also planning a Fathers and Families Peace March on Saturday, June 18 at 11 a.m. at Mirror Lake in Eden Park.

6/20/16: Join us for the 4th Rethinking Racism

Join us for the 4th Rethinking Racism! Over 197 unique and amazing individuals have attended these events - we welcome you to attend again or for the first time. 

Grab a FREE ticket by following this link:

Rethinking Racism is a multiracial alliance challenging white individuals and organizations to acknowledge and end racism. Our movement's initial effort is bringing large groups of people together for open exchanges that will encourage authentic unity, address denial and provide further pathways to justice. We believe the relationships created will lead us from conversation to actions that will begin to transform racist structures.

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Cincinnati this is a must read

The Cincinnati Human Relations Commission's Community Outreach Advocates (COA) are highlighted in this piece. COA, Ali-Rashid Abdullah, is pictured in the article at the site of a recent homicide. He speaks openly about the intersection of race and violence in the city, where blacks constitute 44 percent of the population but last year accounted for 91 percent of the shooting victims.

Monday, May 23, 2016

InFocus Interview with Council Member Amy Murray

Today's InFocus studio taping to feature interview with Councilwoman Amy Murray discussing the 52 communities of Greater Cincinnati and the importance of residents becoming active with their respective community councils.

Air Dates: June 1 - June 30, 2016

Channels: Time Warner 23 (CitiCable, Government) and City of Cincinnati Livestream

Days & Times: Mondays 5:30 am, Wednesdays 6:30 pm, Thursdays, 9:00 am & 3:30 pm, Fridays 10:30 pm, Saturdays 2:30 pm, Sundays 10:30 am.

Twitter Townhall #LessPerfectUnion: June 7, 2016 6pm EST

Tuesday, June 7, 2016, 6-7pm, join CHRC for the latest installment in the Twitter Townhall series for ‪#‎LessPerfectUnion‬, a public conversation about hate and bias in the 2016 election. You can follow the discussion using the hashtag, or engage in the conversation by sending your questions and thoughts to @CHRC using Twitter. This exchange is designed to identify patterns of bias and hate, and interrupt behaviors that can have harmful consequences to vulnerable communities. We hope to hear your thoughts and ideas!

Friday, May 20, 2016

Citizens Police Academy Graduation

Congratulations CHRC’s Community Outreach Advocates and Althea Barnett on graduating from the Cincinnati Police Department’s Citizens Police Academy!

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Congratulations to CHRC’s Executive Director, Dr. Ericka King-Betts (red coat in the picture below), on being voted the next Vice President of the Martin Luther King, Jr. Coalition. The Martin Luther King, Jr. Coalition is a volunteer organization that was founded in 1978 and has planned the City of Cincinnati’s annual commemorative programs for over 30 years.

Signed into law on May 2, 1975, Senate Bill 18 declared the third Monday in January as Martin Luther King, Jr. Day in the state of Ohio. The first proposal for a statewide holiday honoring Dr. King came from the Cincinnati Human Relations Committee, and numerous area legislators were instrumental in the bill’s passage. Among them were the late state Senator William R. Bowen; State Representatives James W. Rankin; William L. Mallory and James T. Luken; and Warren Pate, then of the Ohio AFL-CIO. The first community observance of the holiday was planned by the staff and officers of the YWCA.

For more information about the Coalition please visit the website:

"Sonny Kim Martial Arts Tournament": June 18, 2016

The "Sonny Kim Martial Arts Tournament" will take place:
Saturday, June 18, 2016, 10am 
Robert A. Taft Information Technology High School
420 Ezzard Charles Drive, Cincinnati 45214 

The Annual “Sonny Kim Martial Arts Tournament” has been created to:
a) honor Officer Sonny Kim's memory and ensure that he is not forgotten
b) use it as a platform for raising awareness against violence
c) reach out to and engage in a positive way underprivileged youth
d) strengthen community and law enforcement relationships as stimulated by the Collaborative Agreement.

The tournament is a non-profit event, with ALL proceeds going to martial arts scholarships for underprivileged kids in Officer Sonny Kim's name. There will be a special committee of several Black Belt martial artists from Cincinnati that will manage the scholarship.

Please invite all Martial Artists and Police Officers to participate, and help us with the organization of this tournament! 

The Honorary Chair of the 2016 "Sonny Kim Martial Arts Tournament" is Herb Perez, the 1992 Olympic Gold Medalist in Taekwondo:

Herb Perez is currently Mayor of Foster City in California. 

Please share this Facebook link with your friends and colleagues:

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

VOLUNTEER with the Reds Rookie Success League 2016

The Cincinnati Reds are looking for more than 75 volunteers to help run The REDS ROOKIE SUCCESS LEAGUE. The Reds Rookie Success League is a coed, character-building, introductory baseball/softball camp for kids 6 to 13 years old. The league meets Monday through Thursday for two weeks, beginning in June. Participants will receive character-based curriculum and fundamental baseball/softball instruction from volunteer coaches as well as Reds players and coaches.

The Cincinnati Human Relations Commission (CHRC) is a participating supporter of this event.

2026 E. Seymour Avenue
Cincinnati, OH 45237
June 20 – 30, 2016
Monday – Thursday, 10 a.m. – 1 p.m.

Reds Rookie Success League debuted in July 2003 and adheres to the mission of the Reds Community Fund, providing inner-city children with an opportunity to play baseball in a safe and fun environment.

Participant Application

Register today! For more information, please contact or (513) 765-7041.

Monday, May 16, 2016

Father & Family Peace March sponsored by the Community Outreach Advocates (COAs)

The "Father and Family Peace March" will be held 11:00am-11:30am at the Mirror Lake in Eden Park.

We will join the Juneteeneth March at 11:30am to walk toward the Pavilion Area for the opening ceremony of Juneteeneth.

For volunteer opportunities, please contact Valarie Dowell or Steven Sherman at 513-721-0595.

FCHC Summit - SAVE THE DATE - June 17, 2016

The Fatherhood Collaborative of Hamilton County presents the 2016, "Fathers Matter Fatherhood Summit." The event will take place on Friday, June 17, 2016, 5:30-8:30pm at the Cincinnati Hamilton County Community Action Agency. There will be three workshops this year that will run concurrently.  Participants will have the option to pick two of the three.  The workshops will cover the following topics:
1) Fathers Impact on Poverty
2) Custody and Visitation
3) Co-Parenting

This year everyone is asked to bring 5 Fathers who are your friends, family, or clients to the Summit.

Why "Juneteenth"?
Its literal historical roots are in Texas, but Juneteenth is gaining popularity across the country as an occasion to celebrate one of the most important events in American history--the end of slavery in America. Although July 4th. marks the American colonies' 1776 declaration of independence from Britain, the Founding Fathers did not include America's enslaved people among "all men" who had been "created equal." It took a bloody Civil War and Constitutional amendments to end slavery, and Juneteenth celebrates the Emancipation Proclamation, issued almost a century after the Declaration of Independence.

More about the Collaborative
The Ohio Commission on Fatherhood awarded the Cincinnati Human Relations Commission a grant to establish an initiative to provide men with the tools to succeed as sons, husbands and fathers, and to leave a positive legacy for generations to come. Since this time, individuals representing numerous agencies, groups and companies have been meeting to ensure that this effort grows and has a positive impact on area fathers and their families.

Friday, May 13, 2016

100 Youth March

CHRC's Community Outreach Advocates (COA) invites EVERYONE to participate in the upcoming "100 Youth March" on Thursday, June 9th, 4:30pm. This March serves to advocate, improve and strengthen the relationship between fathers and their families.

Although this is a 100 Youth March, this March is for All Youth and anyone who wishes to participate.

Please join us!

Join us for the 4th Rethinking Racism!

Over 197 unique and amazing individuals have attended these events - we welcome you to attend again or for the first time. 

Grab a FREE ticket by following this link:

Rethinking Racism is a multiracial alliance challenging white individuals and organizations to acknowledge and end racism. Our movement's initial effort is bringing large groups of people together for open exchanges that will encourage authentic unity, address denial and provide further pathways to justice. We believe the relationships created will lead us from conversation to actions that will begin to transform racist structures.

Thursday, May 12, 2016



MEDIA CONTACT: CHRC Executive Director Ericka King-Betts, PhD 
at or by phone at 513.352.3237

The Inaugural Old Public High School League -"Passing For Peace"
Saturday, June 11, 2016
Woodward High School, 7005 Reading Rd., Cincinnati

Cincinnati, OH - CHRC Community Outreach Advocates (COA) presents "The Inaugural Old Public High School League, "Passing For Peace", flag football tournament (for the Class of 1999 and earlier) to be held on Saturday, June 11, 2016, 10:00am at Woodward High School, 7005 Reading Road, Cincinnati.

Come see Cincinnati Public High School Alumni "Pass For Peace" to current students and help make Cincinnati a safer place to work, live and learn. This initiative is to "reduce violence" in our communities. You may have been good in the 70's, 80's, and 90's BUT do you still have the same moves? Lots of fun, food and games for everyone.

For registration and information contact Derrick Rogers, COA at (513) 721-0595. Registration fee is $75.00 per team. Team Captains ONLY can register online at

About the Cincinnati Human Relations Commission
CHRC was established in November of 1943 as The Mayor's Friendly Relations Committee. As time passed the name was changed to the Cincinnati Human Relations Commission and the mission grew to target a much larger issue, discrimination. Thus, the agency's mission is "to help our community to overcome prejudice and discrimination, build mutual respect and understanding, and to become more harmonious and cohesive."

For additional information on how you can support CHRC and its programs, please contact Executive Director, Ericka King-Betts, PhD at 513-352-3237.

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

COAs Mothers & Daughters March

Thank you to everyone who came out Saturday, May 8th to support and Local 12 WKRC for covering the Cincinnati Human Relations Commission (CHRC) Community Outreach Advocates Mothers and Daughters March, Rally and Vigil held in Madisonville.

The march brought a continuing awareness of the violence that is devastating our communities and it's affect on women.

Click below to see Local 12 WKRC news coverage:

Friday, May 06, 2016

Looking forward to seeing you at the COAs "Mothers and Daughters Love March

TOMORROW, Saturday, May 7th, 10:30am, "Mothers & Daughters" Love March against violence will meet at the Madisonville Recreation Center (5320 Stewart Road).

Please come march with us and try to put an end to this senseless violence that is affecting our communities.

Thursday, May 05, 2016

Saturday, May 7th, "Mothers and Daughtrs Love March"

On Saturday, May 7th, 10:30am, the "Mothers & Daughters Love March" against violence will meet at the Madisonville Recreation Center (5320  Stewart Road). 

Please come join us! March with us on Saturday (5/7/16) to try to put an end to this senseless violence that is affecting our communities.

Join CHRC tomorrow, Friday, May 6, 8:30am in planning the next Friendship Dinner

CHRC is planning a second installment of the highly successful Friendship dinner. If you are interested in exploring how to make this year's dinner a success, please join CHRC staff at Coffee Emporium on Central Parkway Friday, May 6, 2016, 8:30 - 9:30am. Look for the balloon to make sure you find us.

Today is "National Day of Prayer"

Let us pray for our leaders.

Let us pray for “them.” Whether your definition of “them” is someone with a different sexuality, a different race or a different religion, let’s pray for relationships leading to mutual respect that might lead to less “them” and more “us.” Whoever “they” are to you, may peace and love begin in us.

Let us pray for the next generation.

For these and a million more reasons, let us pray.

Wednesday, May 04, 2016

COAs "100 Youth March"

CHRC's Community Outreach Advocates (COA) invites EVERYONE to participate in the upcoming "100 Youth March" on Thursday, June 9th, 4:30pm. This March serves to advocate, improve and strengthen the relationship between fathers and their families.

Please join us at 19 W. Elder Street (Findlay Market)!

Although this is a 100 Youth March, this March is for All Youth and anyone who wishes to participate.

Tuesday, May 03, 2016

"Passing for Peace" Flag Football Tournament

CHRC Community Outreach Advocates (COA) presents The Inaugural Old Public High School League, "Passing For Peace", flag football tournament to be held on Saturday, June 11, 2016, 10:00am at Woodward High School, 7005 Reading Road, Cincinnati.

Come see Cincinnati Public High School Alumni "Pass For Peace" to current students and help make Cincinnati a safer place to work, live and learn. This initiative is to "reduce violence" in ou...r communities. You may have been good in the 70's, 80's, and 90's, BUT do you still have the same moves? Lots of fun, food and games for everyone.

For registration and information contact Derrick Rogers, COA at (513) 721-0595. Registration fee is $75.00 per team.

COAs presents "Mothers & Daughters March, Rally and Vigil"

On Saturday, May 7, 2016, the Cincinnati Human Relations Commission (CHRC) Community Outreach Advocates will host a Mothers and Daughters March, Rally and Vigil titled "You say you love us, then be here for us."

The purpose of the march is to bring a continuing awareness of the violence that is devastating our communities and it's affect on women. The march will began at 11:00 am at the Madisonville Recreation Center.

We hope all mothers, daughters, sisters, grandmothers, aunts, god-mothers and female friends will join us.

Monday, May 02, 2016

Thank you for supporting "Stand Against Racism Day"

Today, Dr. Ericka King-Betts, Executive Director, CHRC, participated in the “Stand Against Racism Day” on Fountain Square, 11:30 am – 1:30 pm, sponsored by the YWCA Greater Cincinnati. At noon, Mayor John Cranley proclaimed May 2 as Stand Against Racism Day. The following community partners talked about how their organization is “On A Mission for Girls of Color”: 

Shakila Ahmad | Board President, Islamic Center of Greater Cincinnati
Dr. Michael Battle | Executive VP, National Underground Railroad Freedom Center
David Singleton | Executive Director, Ohio Justice & Policy Center
Karla Boldery | President, Lulac Cincinnati (League of United Latin American Citizens)
Chara Jackson | Executive Director, Greater Cincinnati Urban League
Dr. Ericka King-Betts | Executive Director, The Cincinnati Human Relations Commission
Yvette Simpson | President Pro Tem Cincinnati City Council

Thank you to all who supported this event!

"Stand Against Racism Day"

TODAY - Monday May 2
on Fountain Square

At noon, Mayor John Cranley will proclaim May 2 as Stand Against Racism Day. CHRC's Executive Director, Dr. Ericka King-Betts, will also provide remarks on CHRC's mission and work being done to impact the lives of girls of color.

Stand Against Racism is a signature campaign of YWCA USA to build community among those who work for racial justice and to raise awareness about the negative impact of institutional and structural racism in our communities. This year’s theme is "On A Mission for Girls of Color."

We encourage you to join the YWCA, CHRC and many others in the social media conversation using the hashtags ‪#‎StandAgainstRacism‬, ‪#‎OnAMission‬.

YWCA is on a mission to eliminate racism, empower women, and promote peace, justice, freedom, and dignity for all.

Join us by taking a Stand Against Racism.

Take a Stand Against Racism with the YWCA Greater Cincinnati