CHRC Welcomes New Board Members
The Cincinnati Human Relations Commission (CHRC) recently appointed new members to its Board of Commissioners. New members include Nick Shaver of Mayor Mark Mallory’s Young
Professional Kitchen Cabinet, Donny Young of the Green Day Group, Reverend
Canon Joanna Chin Leiserson of Christ Church Cathedral, Norm Solomon of
Catholic Charities of SouthWestern Ohio, Charles Davis, Jr. of CincinnatiPublic Schools, Tiffani Ray of USBank, Hengameh Nassef of Cincinnati
Neurological & Spine Institute, and Aleshia Politsky Fessel, a HamiltonCounty Public Defender.
The members, appointed by Mayor Mark Mallory, come from
various sectors of the Greater Cincinnati community and offer a wide array of
knowledge that will enhance the work of CHRC. Each will serve a three year commitment.