Thursday, September 04, 2014

Starfire3Day Reflection

The national news cycle has provoked a range of feelings for everyday people. Those feelings span from sadness, frustration to pure unadulterated anger. Despite where folks stand on issues from Ferguson to the Gaza strip, behind the mainstream coverage there are untold stories of folks working to build empowered and inclusive communities globally. Locally, Starfire University demonstrated this commitment with their 3rd annual Starfire "Unconference". 

#Starfire3Day provided a flexible community based opportunity for attendees to teach an audience or learn a new skill that could be used to fellowship and or improve a community. The combination of amazing people, unique session topics, and delicious community dinner made the event a memorable success worth praise. Hopefully their event wrapped Friday night and many other local community centered practices serves reminder for us to put aside the politics of the world for a moment, and be intentional about getting to know one another.

Reflections from Christina Brown, Community Outreach & Engagement Coordinator


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